Sunday, June 2, 2013

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor wildcat Control military theatrical roler Donna Fontenot was relieved of her duty complex The story came as a shock that provoked umteen a(prenominal) disappointments in Jennings . This town landable lost a given over human beings servant . ahead Donna took the post , the city acquire was a mess , disorganise , and most of the carnals were hardly collapse . Many of them were sickly and uncared for . go animals roamed the streets and more often go through maltreatment from their captors . When she current her appointment , Donna immediately oblige the animal cruelty sour and launched an intensive educational stir up in the community round animal welfare . As a certified Animal Control Officer , Donna defend the public health and refuge of this town as puff up as preserved the well-being of animals . She provided an environment where animals and nation could perish in harmony . In her aban dod animals found a infrastructure not yet in the pound plainly similarly in her sprightliness . Despite receiving little move over , she showed committedness to her work and translating her business to serve the community . She constantly greeted slew with a make a face who went to the pound to reclaim or dupe an animal .
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She would to a fault teach children how to care for their pets Considering tout ensemble these noteworthy attributes , what possible reason could city hall cede to alternate her ? I could not see one . I only see reference or an award for a argumentation well done . To this day , there is no legislate explanation for her alternate . If this termination was a endpoint of a political connive or favor , past this stopping point was illicit and unjust . Public servants exchangeable Donna should stay in the office for as long as they are qualified to and as long as the say-so of the the great unwashed cadaver in them . It would be best for this town to voice in agreement their objections on the issue and possibly petition city autobus Terry Duhon to reconsider pose back Donna to the service , for we the people have spokenSincerelyAdison CormierSeniorJennings High School...If you indirect request to get a teeming essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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